More than 100 countries
Fast delivery

Add value to your business by integrating YouGiver

To your social app, messenger, or dating website
Your App
Typical Monetization of Social Apps:
Low eCPM
Frustrated users
Decrease of User Lifetime Value
In-app purchases:
Low conversion rate
Frustrated users
Bad reviews
Customer service
How to avoid these problems, keep loyal customers, and become profitable?
YouGiver is a free high-value SaaS service that makes it possible to give real gifts to users of social networks without knowing the address of the Presentee. Straight from your app!
to integrate YouGiver
Recoup development costs and increase ROI
Your commission for the order is 5%
Free for you and your users, always
No registration costs. No in-app purchases needed for users
Increase user engagement and retention
Useful functionality instead of annoying ads
Global delivery coverage
We send gifts to 5000+ cities, 100+ countries
Calculation of Profit per Year
You can increase the conversion of paying customers, motivating them to give more real gifts to each other, then your income will be many times greater
Enter number
of your users
Expected conversion
% of paying customers
in your app
Average bill
Your income from each bill
Enter number of your users
Expected conversion % of paying customers in your app
1 %
Average bill
Expected conversion
5 %
Your passive annual income from integrating YouGiver into your app
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Want to integrate YouGiver
into your app?
Integrate YouGiver API simply
Let your users know about new service
Make a profit 5% of each gift purchased by your users
Apps and websites we work with
Social networks
Dating services
Become our trusted partner
Register for free and start getting profit today!