More than 100 countries
Fast delivery

Boost your sales without marketing costs!

by placing your products on YouGiver
YouGiver aggregates gift services around the world so that users of social apps can privately and safely give and receive gifts
What you get with YouGiver:
Increase your global reach
100 countries 5000+ cities
Get a new sales channel
4 partner apps 5+ million of users
No promotion costs
No registration costs
Save on marketing expenses

YouGiver list of gifts categories

Fragrances & Cosmetics
Gift Cards
Experience Gift Cards
Smart Gadgets
Business Gifts
Do you want to add another category?
Expand your business globally
1. Register for free today
2. Enter your bank account details
3. Wait till you get verified
Add your products to the Gift Catalog
We provide you with pre-designed product templates with description
Each category has no more than 30 popular gift items/templates which increases the likelihood of making quick purchasing decisions
Choose the category of your product, template, and put your price
Start selling on YouGiver!
No service fee
No promotion fee
No registration fee
Add your products to the Gift Catalog
We provide you with pre-designed product templates with description
Each category has no more than 30 popular gift items/templates which increases the likelihood of making quick purchasing decisions
Choose the category of your product, template, and put your price