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Sale of subscriptions to media publications

Let your readers very easily and quickly give and receive a subscription to your publication in order to always stay up to date with all the most interesting!
*Demo version of the gift functions for your products. For payment, use a test payment card: 4242 4242 4242 4242 (all other data in any value)
Are you a media publisher?
And you want your publication to acquire more and more regular paying readers?
We will help you to expand your circle of regular readers.
We will help you expand your circle of regular readers.
What features does YouGiver provide?
With YouGiver, you can increase your paid subscribers. And your readers will be able to give and receive as a gift a subscription to their favorite media publication, so as not to miss all the fun!
Your readers will now have the opportunity to follow the latest news and share them with enthusiasm with their friends, colleagues, and vigorously discuss what they read over a cup of coffee.
For publications
  • Increased sales of paid subscriptions
  • reaching and expanding a paying audience that you have never worked with before (sending a subscription as a business gift)
  • simplicity and convenience of registration, without programmers, in a matter of hours
  • no monthly fee, payment only for transactions
  • the whole ordering process takes place on your site, the client does not leave your site
For readers, subscribers
  • the ability to send a subscription to your publication as a gift
  • the opportunity to receive a subscription to your publication as a gift
  • very convenient and simple functionality for purchasing subscriptions without registration and unnecessary questions
Fix price
plus payment
  • function of sending and receiving goods as a gift
  • analytics and functionality of order processing
  • no subscription fee
  • the whole ordering process on your website
  • client support
Join Now!
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Fast integration
Just insert our script, iframe, or pop-up
Share this news and get income!
You just have to earn income from the sale of subscriptions and monitor the increase in the conversion of readers!